What Type of Speed Waxer Are You?
Speed Waxers -Defined
What Type of Speed Waxer Are You? Video
"Speed Waxer" What does it mean?
A lot of people use the phrase "Speed Waxer" without understanding exactly what that means. For a deep dive in to the definition check out our "What is a Speed Waxer" post. Regardless of your approach or style, a speed waxer is someone who can complete a waxing service quickly.
For example, we would consider someone a speed waxer if they can do a Brazilian wax in 15 minutes or less. IYKYK, We can safely say that anyone who worked at European Wax Center for 6 months or longer is a speed waxer. However, the style of waxing is more what gets thrown in when talking about speedy waxers. This can get confused or be flat out wrong, let me explain.
The 2 Types of Speed Waxers
There are actually two different types of speed waxers; "Lay, Lay, Lay" and "Strip & Rip."
"Strip & Rip" Speed Waxers
One type (or style) of speed waxer is a Strip and Rip waxer. This means someone who lays one strip at a time and then removes that strip before laying another one.
A waxer who uses the Strip and Rip method should use a quick cooling or quick setting wax so they can work efficiently and quickly without having to wait on the first strip to cool in order to remove it.
We recommend a Strip and Rip waxer to use Mermaid Waxes Pro Series (for instance Poseidon) since that is our quick cooling formulation. You can lay one strip and then immediately remove it without a wait time for cooling.
PRO-TIP: Many Strip & Rip Speed Waxers use our Signature Series & X Series waxes without issue as they've learned to lay super thin strips. A bonus is this saves a ton on your wax cost.
"Lay, Lay, Lay" Speed Waxers
The other type of speed waxer is a Lay, Lay, Lay waxer. Someone who lays multiple strips (2-4 on average) before going back and removing them is a Lay, Lay, Lay waxer.
Anyone who worked at European Wax Center would be considered a Lay, Lay, Lay Speed Waxer. Because they have to do so many services in such a short period of time at European that's the waxing style they teach.
A Lay, Lay, Lay waxer will want to use a wax that has a normal setting period (not a quick cooling wax) and is elastic so the wax won't break on them while they are removing the strips. We recommend a Lay, Lay, Lay speed waxer to use Mermaid Wax Signature Series (for instance Sirena or Electra) since it is SUPER elastic and will not break no matter how long you wait to remove it.
The Speed Waxer Misnomer
One of these methods is not better than the other. They are different, but both get the job done. However, we do recommend to keep the type of waxer you are in mind when asking others for their opinions on what type of wax to use. That professional might not be the same type of Speed Waxer you are, which will affect the type of wax they think is best.