Soft Launch -Passwords | Archived 8/17/2019

Soft Launch -Passwords | Archived 8/17/2019

Mermaid Wax Soft Launch

Hello my fellow Waxers!
We are FINALLY ready for our soft launch!!! Can I get an AMEN?!?!
I know it might not be possible for everyone to purchase both waxes, so with any purchase of the Signature Series, I am giving you a free 1.1lb of the Pro Series (Poseidon). OR with any purchase of the Pro Series, I will give you a FREE 1.1lb of the Signature Series! That way you will be able to try both waxes.
If you purchase both waxes, in the notes just let us know which 1.1lb of wax you want for free.
The password for access to the site is (all lower case): merma1dwaxclub
---Put the site password into the "password" link up in the top right corner.
It is best if you can use this email you signed up with to setup your account if you don't already have a Shopify Account.  However, any email you prefer will work.
If you have any questions, feel free to email me at
I'll be here late tonight and all day on Sunday!
Thank you for all your support! Together, we will rule the wax world :)
Mermaids Unite! (sorry, if you can't tell I'm VERY excited)
Mermaid Wax


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