Mermaid Wax ‍ IS BACK!!!  The FREEZE is Over Y'all.  POWER IS BACK & We're SHIPPING TOMORROW

Mermaid Wax ‍ IS BACK!!! The FREEZE is Over Y'all. POWER IS BACK & We're SHIPPING TOMORROW

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Ahoy Mermaids,
We're alive! Yeaaaaaaaaa!!!! What's even better?  We're able to ship again! Woohoo!! 

Judging by the very few hate mails we've received we can assume by now almost all of you realize the extreme weather event has left us in complete shambles.  We really appreciate all the love and care you have all shown us! 🤗🥰 However, we still felt one complete response was ideal in this situation so everyone knows exactly what's going on.  
This email will answer:
1. Where's my package? 🧐
2. Why hasn't my email been responded to?
3. Why hasn't my order shipped yet? 🥺
4. Why are you being so unprofessional? 🤬
5. How Did It Affect Us, Personally?
More generally; What's going on at Mermaid Wax? ☠☠☠
Pro-Tip: When possible, we update the very top (header) of the website with important information, such as what's going on now.  We may also (which we did) post on social media updated information in the event of emergencies "mermaidwaxllc" on IG
Mermaid Wax is located in Central Texas, just outside Austin, Tx in a somewhat rural area.  Starting one week ago on Thursday February 11th our area was hit with an extreme weather event which we almost have behind us.  The entire event has brought sub-zero temperatures along with periods of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, and high winds.
While areas like Chicago or Canada, etc have an infrastructure equipped to deal with this weather the state of Texas is quite unprepared. Our lack of insulated power & water grids as well as elevated roadways & lack of snow plows, salt or material for ice has left us completely devastated.  Even if Mermaid Wax was equipped with self sustaining power, water, & heat (we weren't) we're still 100% reliant on the Carriers (UPS & USPS) to transport your orders. The Carriers are resuming operations starting tomorrow so a TON of your orders will begin to ship tomorrow.

How Did It Affect Us, Personally?

We still don't have running water at our home, but power has been fully restored.  We will limp through the next week working to get caught up while our state tries to get back to full swing.

We're trying to say that life happens, sometimes there is no solution other than to wait it out. Sort of like I'm waiting on a much needed shower!  Ha ha  It's really no joke though as many people have died and a lot more are in a much worse predicament than us.  We've been able to stay warm and had almost 60gal of drinking water when it all started. A neighbor just reached out and offered us to use their pool water for we're able to use our bathrooms.  Such love is so appreciated when we're down.  We were able to rescue one of our team members, Jamison.  He was without power or heat for a couple days and had no way of driving to safety.  We've all been together and surviving here at our home since Sunday. Again, we're just concerned with those far worse off right now.
When Can I Expect My Package?
The honest answer is that we have no idea, exactly. Shipping will begin tomorrow, but it may still not move through the system to you as swiftly as normal, be PATIENT!  If this event has taught us all anything it should be; consider what others are going through. We are only covering our situation & weather predictions here in Texas.  If there are more extreme weather events in other parts of the country, shipments might be affected.
Can I Get A Refund?
At this time with limited resources and our prepacking of orders before they ship, no.  We are not offering any cancellations or refunds.  As our reputation has indicated Mermaid Wax processes orders as fast as possible, normally same-day and always within 1 business day of order placement -less an unforeseen event such as this.  We request your understanding and patience during these times.  If you don't have that compassion we strongly encourage you to find another wax provider so that we can direct our excellent customer service and family focused approach on our Mermaids.
How To Never Run Out Of Wax
Waxing professionals should consider, at the very least, stockpiling 1 month's worth of wax for eventualities. This may take you some time to save up.  When I started I didn't have the funds for 100lbs of backup wax so I started by ordering an extra 11lbs.  Then over my first few months (when I could afford it) I ordered an extra 11lbs.  I did this until I had 100lbs as a backup which I kept in my closet at home.  My next hurdle was saving up to order in the largest possible quantity so that I could get my wax at the lowest possible price.  This is a business and the more you treat it logically and prioritize, the more it will take care of you when you need it to. Remember our Signature Series is as low as $13.79/lb & Pro Series $11.25/lb when you buy 88lbs or more at a time.  That is a HUGE difference from the 1.1lb pricing.
We appreciate your support, understanding, empathy, and (most importantly) patience during this time. Love you all so much, stay safe!!
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